How to Lose Weight Well

Self Shooting Producer Director

4x 60” Channel 4

Little Gem

Producing the diet stories of various contributors, in a mixture of actuality, set-up sequences and master interviews.

Kit included: Sony FS7/Canon C300/Slider/Go Pro’s, Osmos & other gadgets.


How to Lose Weight Well Clips


Weighing In

Greg & Nath have been trying to slim down in time for Pride, but after 8 weeks of Nath eating just Pizza, and Greg strictly on fluids, how have they done?


Too Cheesy?

Steven & Eamon newlyweds are both hoping to slim down in time for an upcoming Greek Holiday in just over a weeks time. They’ve both been given radically different diets, with Steven on the Russian Airforce, a protein rich diet, consisting on mainly proteins and salads and vegetables. Whilst Eamon is on the Israeli Army Diet, that’s two days of chicken, two days of Apples, two days of Cheese & finally two days of Salad.

Before starting their diets - it’s time for the two of them to weigh in.


‘We are in it together… but she doesn’t really need to know, that I eat at Nandos at work’

— Husband who’s wife was on a diet.


Ketchup with Sisters

Dropping in on sisters Aisha & Karlette who have both been on celebrity inspired diets, in order to lose weight for a birthday celebration, how have they been getting on?


A Religious Experience

Best friends Earl & Vince are looking to slim down in time for a church celebration, so they are both embarking on faith based diets.

‘Faith for me is really important… it’s what I live by’

— Earl


A Place In The Sun